The Board of Regents in consultation with College of Bishops the highest decision-making organ of ICOF wishes to announce the appointment of Bishop Dr. Diur Yav Abel as Regional Bishop for Central and East Africa in charge of Francophone Countries.
Bishop Dr Diur is a trainer and an expert in leadership who have over 35 Years of Ministries and he is the President of ZOE Mission. Bishop Dr. Diur is a strategist both missions and Churches and provided leadership training to Pastors, Civic leaders, Community and Political leaders in Africa.
He is an author of many leadership books been used by Colleges and Universities including ICOF Africa Campus, He bring in ICOF tried and tested practical leadership to the Continent. Bishop Dr. Diur has many years of public speaking dates to 1999 with vast experience in leadership peace and conflict resolution within the Continent and beyond.
This appointment is published on ICOF Global News which has over 80,000 visitors in a day and the Board has also published this appointment on ICOF Congo DRC National website hosted on and In line with our tradition, please join the board of Regents in congratulating Bishop Dr. Diur for this appointment has he joins the Continental College of Bishops Executive committee for ICOF Africa. All ICOF Administrators and National leaders are directed to share this appointment in all ICOF related Blogs and social media platforms.